
Synappx Go is a mobile app that connects to Sharp MFPs for fast scanning, print release, printing cloud files, copying, sharing files to Sharp displays, and checking in to workspaces. For more details, please go to Synappx Go.

Once your Synappx Go order has been received and processed, the initial administrator listed on the order will receive an email with directions to log in to the Synappx Admin Portal.

Access the Admin Portal using the latest version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

  • iOS versions: 14 to 15
  • Android versions: 11 to 12

  • Apple® iPhones® with NFC support and iOS 12 or later: 7/7+, 8/8+, X, XR, XS, XS Max, iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, and iPhone SE (Second Generation - 2020)
  • Android™ versions: 8.0 to 11.0, NFC support

Microsoft® Windows 10 or greater or Windows Server 2016 or greater, 32- or 64-bit are supported. See System Requirements for more information.

Use your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace username and password to sign in to the Admin Portal. Your credentials are validated with your Azure AD or Google Workspace system and a token is returned along with information on your role (administrator).

The first admin to sign in to the Synappx system must have Azure AD or Google Workspace administrative privileges in order to grant the permissions necessary for the Synappx Go app (and Synappx Meeting app if also installed). If you do not have Azure or Google Workspace admin permission, contact your reseller to provide the name of the person who does have those credentials so they can be added to your account.

Note: Additional admins do NOT need Azure or Google Workspace admin access. Admins can have user licenses in addition to admin privileges.

The initial Azure or Google Workspace administrator must agree to one-time Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace permissions to use Synappx. These permissions only apply to Synappx app use for permitted functions. For more information, see the Synappx Security White Paper.

Both applications use some common cloud platform elements. If you license both Synappx Meeting and Synappx Go, there are efficiencies such as:

  • Initial Azure or Google Workspace permissions opt-in is done only once for both apps
  • Admins added or deleted in one app are reflected in the other app
  • Workspaces added or deleted in one app are reflected in the other app
  • Subscription status for both apps is shown on the Subscriptions tab
  • System and admin logs cover both services

The initial Synappx Go admin must be in the same email domain, which is set up during the Synappx Go order. After the initial admin opts in to required permissions, you can go to the Admin Portal Supported Domains page to check that other domain aliases are included. If so, users and workspaces for those domain aliases can now be added.

Synappx Go Admin Portal

Go to the Users page in the Admin Portal to import users from Microsoft 365 Azure AD or Google Users. See Add Users & Assign Licenses for more details. 

No, users can only be imported from your Microsoft 365 (Azure AD) or Google Workspace Users system. You can import by selecting individual users or user groups or using CSV file import (maximum of 50 users at once).

Yes, newly licensed users receive automatic emails with instructions to download the app.

Workspaces can be meeting rooms, huddle rooms, individual offices or common areas where MFPs are located—wherever collaboration happens. Workspaces are a convenient way for admins and users to confirm the location of the device on their mobile devices when scanning, printing, copying, checking in, and/or sharing files.

There are four ways to create workspaces:

  • Import individual Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace resources (e.g., meeting rooms)
  • Import Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace groups
  • Import Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace groups via CSV file (maximum of 50 workspaces in one file)
  • Manually create a workspace where MFPs or displays are located (e.g., East Hallway)

See Add Workspaces for more details.

Select the workspace name and click Add MFPs. A list of unassigned MFPs will appear.

Note: An MFP can be added to only one workspace at a time (i.e., an MFP will be removed from the available pool after being assigned).

Select the workspace. Then select the display radio icon at the top of the page and select Add Displays. A list of unassigned display agents (installed on the display PC) will appear.

Note: A display agent can be added to only one workspace at a time (i.e., a display agent will be removed from the available pool after being assigned).

This page shows the check-in NFC tags that have been associated with this workspace. The association is done on your Synappx Go mobile app (see Associate NFC Tags for details). You can also remove the tag association from this page.

Select Devices & Agents on the workspaces page to see a full summary of your configured workspaces, MFP agents and associated MFP devices. Select the Display radio icon to see a full list of your Display agents. See Summary of Devices and Agents - Management for details.

Select Devices & Agents on the Workspaces page. Select the MFP agent PC/server name and a window will open where you can remove specific MFPs from the available pool or remove the MFP agent from the database along with all associated MFPs. If you do remove the MFP agent, it is recommended to uninstall the MFP agent from the PC/server (this procedure assumes you will no longer use that agent and associated devices).

If you no longer plan to use the MFP agent and its associated devices, uninstall the MFP Agent using the normal Windows uninstall procedure. The agent and devices will no longer be available for configuration in the Admin Portal and will be removed from the Synappx cloud database.

You can also remove an MFP agent and associated MFPs from the Synappx database on the Admin Portal Devices & Agents page; however, the MFP agent uninstallation process is still recommended if you no longer plan to use the agent.

Use the normal Windows uninstall procedure if you no longer plan to use a specific display agent. You can also remove the display agent from the Devices & Agents page. Select Display and the agent PC/server name. You will be prompted to confirm deletion.

This feature allows you to configure your Synappx Go-enabled displays to automatically switch to the correct PC input by tapping the NFC tag. This requires display board setup and configuration of display information in the Admin Portal. See Automatic Input Switch for details.

If you encounter an issue with the Synappx Go system, there is an agent log that can help you or your reseller troubleshoot the issue and countermeasure. Select the envelope icon to receive the log. Enter any additional email addresses and an optional message and select Send. The system will automatically acquire the agent log files from the PC/server, send them to the Synappx cloud, and attach a link to the email.

No, you can add as many administrators as you want.

No, if you license both services, adding an admin in one service will automatically add the same admin in the other service.

Yes, the default when adding an admin is full access to the Admin Portal features. There is also an option to assign a support admin role with limited access (e.g. Helpdesk). See Admin Settings for more details.

Customers who purchased Synappx prior to release 1.3 need to accept a one-time permission for Synappx to gain additional domain access. The Azure AD administrator must go to the Supported Domains page on the Admin Portal to enable Azure AD domain aliases.

Yes, go to the Admin Portal Supported Domains page and confirm the desired domains are included in the list.

Admins set their own email notifications. Individual selections will not impact other admins. The default is no notifications.

Each admin can enable notifications. Individual selections will not impact other admins. The default is no notifications.

Admins can also enable mobile app notifications. Open the Synappx Go app and go to Settings > Mobile Notifications. Settings will be reflected on the Admin Portal Notifications page.

The E-ID is the unique identifier for your licensed Synappx subscriptions. The information on this page also describes the renewal date for the licenses.

Synappx Go reports provide visual data on Synappx Go system usage. Go to Analytics for more details.

No, the SNMP IP search range only needs to be entered before downloading the MFP agent.

No, you must enter at least one IP range to download the MFP agent. This information is required to find the MFPs that you can then configure with NFC tags to work with Synappx Go.

You can enter up to fifteen IP search ranges before the initial agent download. If you want to re-search the range or search a different range after the initial download, go to the Workspaces page. Select Devices & Agents. Then select Find MFPs and edit or create new search ranges before selecting Find Now.

No, to minimise setup and prevent errors, SNMP discovery automatically collects all relevant information about potential Sharp MFPs to be configured with Synappx Go. You can re-discover MFPs using the same or different IP ranges from the Devices & Agents MFP page.

No, you must download the agent from this web page since it contains information about your account necessary to configure the MFP agent.

System logs related to Synappx Go MFP and display agents are shown in two places. All Synappx Go and Synappx Meeting (if licensed) system logs are shown on the System Log page. Logs can be filtered by service and exported.

System logs for individual agents can be found by navigating to the Workspaces page and selecting Devices & Agents. Important errors with an agent will be indicated by an orange ! or a red triangle (agent is offline) next to the agent ID. You can also click the Log link next to the agent ID to open a window with that specific agent’s system log.

The System Log page includes all supported system logs for Synappx Go agents and mobile usage and allows you to filter and export logs. It also includes Synappx Meeting logs if the application is licensed.

Individual Synappx Go agent system logs include events specific to the selected agent.

The System Log messages provides brief information about the cause or recommended countermeasure associated with Synappx Go system events. The code in parentheses provides more information about the log event. Contact your Sharp support representative for details.

The Admin Log page contains information about common administrator actions on the Admin Portal and which administrator performed those actions. The System Log page primarily shows errors or issues.

From the Check In Log page, enter the date range for the report and select Export. A check in log CSV file will download.

Synappx Go MFP And Display Agents

  • Microsoft® Windows 10 or greater or Windows Server 2016 or greater, 32- or 64-bit
  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
  • Minimum 4GB RAM
  • Minimum 75MB disk space (Requirements can vary based on the number of users and print jobs that the agent will be supporting)
  • Internet connectivity

One display agent is required for each display PC to support the Share to display features.

  • Microsoft® Windows 10 or greater or Windows Server 2016 or greater, 32- or 64-bit
  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
  • Minimum 4GB RAM
  • Minimum 10MB disk space
  • Microsoft 365 client applications (e.g. PowerPoint® , Word®) and other apps (e.g. video viewer) for files that will be downloaded
  • Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) reader for Google native files (view only)
  • Chrome™ browser for Google native files that will be edited and for Office 365 users who want to edit files in the browser (instead of downloading)
  • Internet connectivity

The IP address of the agent PC can be changed and still maintain normal Synappx Go mobile feature usage. However, to reflect the correct agent IP address on the Synappx Admin Portal, after an IP address change, restart the Synappx system so the new IP address is sent to the cloud.

A Synappx Go agent can support between 50 to 100 MFPs (depending on number of users and print release volume).

You can individually download the two agent zip files to the same PC; however, the MFP agent and display agent cannot both be installed on the same PC.

Yes, you can install multiple MFP agents per tenant, but the SNMP IP search range for MFP agents cannot overlap. This will cause unexpected issues such as MFPs not showing up as discovered if already discovered by a previously installed agent.

There is no specific limit to the number of users who can access the Synappx Go MFP agent print release feature. Storage on the computer should be sufficient to support the print release jobs that are temporarily stored for the users.

If you have a registered MICAS℠, v4.8.1.121 (or later) agent on a PC or server, you can install the Synappx Go MFP agent on the same PC/server as long as you install the Synappx Go MFP agent after MICAS is installed and registered.

Automatic updates are recommended as the most efficient way to get agent upgrades. You can set preferences for this feature in the Admin Portal Agent Updates page. For a manual upgrade, you can download the new MFP or display agent zip file from the Admin Portal. Upon starting the installation process, you will be asked if you want to upgrade.

Note: Data related to previously configured agents (e.g., discovered MFPs, devices assigned to workspaces, NFC tag setup) will be retained during the upgrade process.

The MFP and display agents are set for automatic updates by default. Automatic updates are highly recommended. You can view and modify the agent update settings (e.g. update schedule) from the Agent Updates page in the Admin Portal.

All connections between the Synappx Go agents are secured via SSL TLS 1.2 (port 443) and/or MQTT leveraging X509 certificates. Data to support the scan, print, or share use cases is shared between the cloud and agents. See the Synappx Security White Paper for details.

Yes. For convenience, from Go Version 2.0 forward, if the target PC or server where the Synappx Go agent is being installed does not already have .NET 4.7.2, the Synappx installer will prompt you to download the software to acquire and install it before proceeding with the agent installation.

Synappx Go Supported Devices (MFP and Displays)

Synappx Go can work with any Sharp AQUOS board or Sharp display that is driven by a Windows PC with Microsoft Office applications installed. See Install Agents for more details. 

See MFP & Display Support for the list of displays that can be configured for this time saving user feature.

See MFP & Display Support for more details. In general, Sharp MFPs needs to support OSA® 4.0 or later and TLS 1.2. Some Sharp models also support embedded NFC tags. You can also configure supported MFPs with separate Synappx Go NFC tags.

Some models include embedded NFC tag support (in addition to the required OSA® 4.0 or later and TLS 1.2). If you choose to use the MFP-embedded NFC tags with Synappx Go, ensure:

  • NFC support is set to Enable on the MFP Network Connections/Easy Connection Setting web page
  • Connection Type is set to either Wireless (Infrastructure Mode) or Wired + Wireless (Access Point Mode) under Network Settings/Quick Settings/Wireless Settings.

See MFP & Display Support for more information.

  • Some letter sized MFPs require an app to support Synappx Go scan and print. Go to MFP & Display Support to see MFP which models require that app.
  • To use the MFP-embedded NFC tag, review the notes found in MFP Support.
  • To use the Synappx Go copy feature:
    1. Go to System Settings > Sharp OSA Settings > Condition Settings on the MFP web page.
    2. The following items must be checked:
      1. Accept remote access request from application.
      2. Accept UI operation request from application.
    3. All other items on the Condition Settings page must be unchecked.
      1. Approve remote access request on operation panel.
      2. Display dialog of connection in Sharp OSA mode.
      3. Accept secondary send request from Sharp OSA application.

Synappx Go only supports foreground operation (select app and function first, then tap) with the embedded MFP tags. If you configure a separate Synappx NFC tag to use with the MFP, background operation can be used with a supported mobile device. See NFC Support for more information.

In general, Synappx Go can be used when the MFP is in power save mode without any user action. However, there are a variety of power saving modes across MFPs; under some conditions, you may need to wake the device before using Synappx Go to scan or print release. The MFP front panel must show the Home screen to use the Synappx Go features.

The MFP front panel must show the Home screen to use Synappx Go scan, print release, or copy. Normally, the screen automatically returns to the home screen (via the auto clear) 60 seconds after a user finishes a walk-up job. To return to the home screen, press the Home button and the MFP will be ready for Synappx Go mobile app use.

To enable printing to a variety of MFPs throughout your office, use a Sharp universal print driver and configure it to support Synappx Go print release. You can also modify a specific Sharp printer driver if preferred. For driver configuration, you need the IP address of the server or PC where you installed the Synappx Go agent. See Configure Print Release Driver for more details. Distribute to users via your normal driver distribution process.

Admins and users must contact their local Sharp authorised dealer to obtain the correct firmware.

The A4 MFP models require a hard disk to be installed to generate a searchable PDF from Synappx Go. The hard disk is standard on some A4 models but is an option on others. Go to MFP & Display Support for more information.

Many Sharp A3 models already include the MX-AMX2L Applications Communications Module (ACM) required to use Synappx Go copy feature. Other models require separate installation of the MX-AMX2L ACL to make copies with Synappx Go. Some Sharp A4 models require the installation of an app to support Synappx Go mobile copy. Go to MFP & Display Support for more information.

Synappx Go NFC Tags

NFC tags are used to identify the user location and a specific device for scanning, printing, sharing, copying, or checking in to a location (e.g. meeting room). When the user taps the tag, the Synappx Go app knows which user wants to perform a selected action at a specific device or location.

Contact your Sharp reseller to obtain the Synappx Go specific NFC tags.

No, you must use Sharp-provided NFC tags as they are configured with specific information for Synappx Go.

No, the Synappx Go NFC tags are read-only.

Yes, you can replace an existing NFC tag with a new NFC tag using the mobile app. On the app, select the workspace. Then select the MFP already associated with a tag and tap the NFC tag again. You will be asked whether you want to replace the tag. If yes, you can assign the new tag to replace the old NFC tag.

Yes, see the embedded NFC MFP setup requirements at MFP & Display Support.

Mobile Admin Features

On the Admin Portal, first set up workspaces and associate discovered MFPs and display agents. Then, download the Synappx Go mobile app and log in using your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace credentials. As an admin, you have an additional feature in the mobile app to assign NFC tags to devices or check in locations. Select the workspace, choose the device to configure, and tap the new NFC tag to associate it with the device. Repeat for all devices. To configure check-in tags, select a workspace, select Check In and tap a new tag to associate it with the workspace. Repeat for other workspaces. See Associate NFC Tags for more details.

The orange exclamation point indicates there are one or more MFPs or display Agents in that workspace that have not yet been configured with an NFC tag (needed to use Synappx Go with that device). Once you associate an NFC tag with the MFP or display, that symbol will disappear.

You can only associate one NFC tag per MFP or display agent at this time.

Yes, in addition to email notifications (selected through the Admin Portal), you can enable mobile app notifications. Open the Synappx Go app and go to Settings > Mobile Notifications to set your Synappx Go agent notifications. Settings will be reflected on the Admin Portal Notifications page.