Devices (MFP Search and Registration)

The Devices tab displays all of the print devices on your network that you have successfully imported into the Admin Portal. From here you are able to apply your licenses to any devices that you will be using with Synappx Cloud Print.

Note: Before searching for devices, ensure that you are running the Windows Client App on a PC on the same network as your MFPs and are logged in to that as the same admin user that is logged in to the Admin Portal [View Image].

On first login you will have no devices available.

Your license information is displayed here. One activated device = 1 license [View Image].

To discover MFPs on the network click Start MFP Search, (from the Devices tab) [View Image].

If you have a single MFP then enter the IP address of that device.

If you have multiple devices It is recommended to enter an IP address that will search the local network, such as [View Image].

To begin searching click Save.

The device search will now begin, click OK and wait up to 3 minutes before refreshing the devices page using the refresh button [View Image].

The devices List will now be populated [View Image].

To Delete a Device

To delete an existing device, click on the 3 dots, (action), to the right of the device, select Delete and confirm

[View image].

To Apply a License to a Device, (activating the Device)

Once devices have been discovered, they will need to be activated. This action assigns a license to a device.

Select the device you wish to activate, select the check box next to the device and click Activate device (multiple devices can be selected and activated together) [View Image].

This will activate the device/s and assign a license to that device [View Image].

Your license usage will be reflected depending how many MFPs are licensed [View Image].

If an MFP is not licensed, you are not able to run Synappx Cloud Print on that device [View Image].

To Deactivate a device, (which will remove the license from that device), select the device by using the check box to the left of the device, then click Deactivate Device [View Image].

A message will be displayed confirming the deactivation [View Image].

The device will now show as Unlicensed [View Image].

You are not able to activate more devices than you have licneses [View Image].

Filtering Devices

When all of your devices are listed, to assist in finding certain devices you can use filtering.

From the View dropdown menu you can list [View Image]:

  • All Devices
  • Licensed Devices
  • Unlicnesed Devices

 To further filter devices use the Filter Devices text entry [View Image].

Using the Filter Devices text entry area will search all devices listed for any string that you enter which appears in [View Image]: 

  • Type
  • Device Alias
  • Model
  • IP Address
  • Serial
  • Location

 Navigating Devices

Devices shown per page can be set using the selector in the bottom right hand side of the Devices screen [View Image].

Any value set here will be remembered when you next visit this page.

If the number of devices is greater that the number requester per page, you are able to navigate pages with left, right, start and end icons.