Logs (Optional)

The Synappx Admin Portal provides event data to assist with identifying and resolving issues.

Since multiple administrators can configure and manage the system, the admin log provides a record of administrator actions on the Admin Portal.

If both Synappx Meeting and Synappx Go are licensed, system logs for both services are available on this page.

  1. To filter log events, select the button to select and deselect services. (Teal buttons are selected, and white buttons are deselected.)
  2. To export all logs, enter a start and end date and Export. A CSV file will download automatically. [View Image]
  3. Select OK[View Image]

If errors occur while using Synappx Meeting, information on those events can be found in the system log.

If both Synappx Meeting and Synappx Go are licensed, system logs for both services are available on this page.

  1. To filter system log events, select the button to select and deselect services. (Teal buttons are selected, and white buttons are deselected.)
  2. To export all system logs, enter a start and end date and select Export. A CSV file will download automatically. [View Image]
  3. Select OK[View Image]