During a Meeting

Synappx Meeting Assistant

The Synappx Meeting Assistant helps you manage productive meetings [View Image].

Key features include:

  • Meeting timer
  • Extend the meeting with one click
  • Access to meeting invite attachments and cloud storage files
  • Shortcuts to frequently used apps and websites
  • Switch presenters with one click
  • End meetings with one click


Meeting Timer

The meeting timer helps you track your meeting's allotted time, control discussions and conclude meetings as scheduled. Once a meeting starts, the timer counts down [View Image].

When the scheduled end time nears (10% of time remaining), the meeting timer colour changes to orange, and an End button appears as a reminder [View Image].

If the meeting goes over time, the colour changes to red and the meeting timer counts up [View Image].


Extending the Meeting

You can extend your meetings by selecting the add time option. The Synappx Meeting Assistant will extend the meeting time by 30 minutes. You will receive a notification if the workspace is not available [View Image].

Access to Cloud Storage

Access to your content during the meeting is easier with Synappx Meeting. Cloud storage services: [View Image]

  • OneDrive® for Business
  • OneDrive
  • SharePoint®
  • Google Drive
  • Box
  • Dropbox


To configure your shortcuts:

1. Open settings from the launcher or meeting assistant and go to the Cloud Storage tab. Select the toggle to enable cloud accounts on the Meeting Assistant.

2. You will need to log in to each service upon first time access from the Meeting Assistant [View Image].

Presenter Switch

Meeting attendees can become presenters by selecting the casting icon on the Meeting Assistant. (Attendees must first start the meeting on their individual meeting launchers to obtain access to the Meeting Assistant.) [View Image].