
The new Synappx Collaboration Hub experience is designed for the in-room computer collaboration style. The following are the key components in each environment.

The Synappx Meeting room calendar displays meetings scheduled with the meeting resource.  The calendar displays only time and who reserved the resource to maintain privacy and security [View Image].  

  1. Meeting room calendar (Microsoft 365 only)
  2. Synappx NFC tag

When a user taps the NFC tag, the scheduled meeting will start.  Or, users can open Synappx Go  to select a scheduled meeting to start and then tap an NFC tag. Users can also create an ad hoc meeting and tap the NFC tag to start a new unscheduled meeting. When it is configured, Synappx changes the display input to in-room PC.

Users can start a meeting 10 mins before the scheduled meeting time. They can also start the meeting at a different licensed workspace, as long as the workspace is available and no other scheduled meeting in the workspace will start in 10 minutes or less.[View Image]

  1. Select to choose workspace.
  2. Start to start the select meeting.
  3. The plus + icon to create an ad-hoc meeting.

When the NFC tag is tapped, the following components will start automatically [View Image]

  • Start the scheduled web conference.
  • Connect in-room camera and audio (camera is on as default).

Note: Supported automated actions varies for web conference services

An ad-hoc meeting can be coordinated using Synappx Go using the Meet Now feature. Users can create the invite with all necessary components. When users click Start, the invite with the web conference information will be sent to attendees, the room is booked when available, and starts the web conference session while connecting all key technology components (display, camera/audio) in the room.

If you are already in the room, you can simply tap the NFC tag. The workspace information is auto populated. In addition, the last-used webconference is already entered to simplify the ad-hoc meeting process. If the room is already booked in the next 15 mins, the user will receive a notice that the room is not available for the ad-hoc meeting [View Image].

When the meeting is started, Synappx Meeting will display a meeting timer on the display. The interface can be minimised to the toolbar or enlarged to provide you with a larger timer view. 

In the Synappx Go app on the user’s smartphone, productivity features will become available for the meeting [View Image]

1.    Meeting Timer and Information

  • Meeting room timer 
  • Meeting extension option to extend the meeting for 30 mins based on the resource availability
  • Attendee information

2.    Meeting invite attachments

Access to documents attached to the meeting invite. (Document links are not supported)

3.    Launch trackpad (beta) and Pen Software

4.    Web conference remote control

  • Screen share on/off
  • Camera on/off
  • Microphone mute/unmute
  • Volume up/down 

Users also can navigate meeting main page (MEET), file access from the cloud storage (FILES), and remote file control (CONTROL) by tapping the tabs. 

Remote file operation is also available from the Synappx Go mobile app for presenter convenience and to minimise touching shared surfaces. User selected files are downloaded from the cloud and updated back to the cloud site if changes are saved. Attachments to meetings are also downloaded and, if changes are made to those files, they are uploaded to the cloud with a temporary link to the changed attachment files sent to the meeting organiser.  

The following file types are supported for remote file operation:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel
  • PDF files (opened in Chrome browser)
  • Image files JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG and SVG. (Opened in Chrome browser)
  • Pen Software

Video files, web pages, text and email attachments are supported for tap-to-share or open with features on the smartphone. Remote control features are not supported for these files [View Image]

Sharp Pen Software enables an interactive display to function as a whiteboard. The following remote features are supported from your mobile device:

  • Open a Pen Software blank page by selecting the icon on the Meeting control page [View Image].   
  • Use the arrows to navigate the pages.
    • Press the left arrow < to go to the previous page.
    • Press the right arrow > to go to the next page.
  • Long press the mode button   to switch to Scroll mode. 
  • Change the pen colour [View Image].
  • Clear Sheet: Clear the current page.
  • Save as PDF: A temporary link to download the saved file will be sent to the meeting organiser. 
  • No Save & Close: Close the file without saving changes.

The meeting organiser or another participant can end the meeting, simply by selecting the End button [View Image]

This action also:

  • Disconnects from the web conference
  • Disconnects from the camera and audio
  • Closes displayed content/files
    • Auto-close is supported on shared Microsoft Office plus image and PDF files opened with the built-in Synappx Image Viewer.
  • When configured, returns the display to its default input.