Choose Provider

Getting Started

Thanks for signing up for Synappx™. Get ready to experience productivity wherever you go!

Here’s what happens next:

  1. The assigned administrator receives an email to choose Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 as a cloud service provider.
  2. After the admin chooses a service provider, a second welcome email will arrive in the admin mailbox with instructions to log in to the Synappx Admin Portal.
  3. Log in to the Synappx Admin Portal and start adding users and workspaces.


Choose Provider

Note: The assigned administrator for Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace must have administrator privileges for that service.

After a Synappx account is created for your organisation, the assigned administrator will receive an email with a link to select either Microsoft® 365 or Google Workspace™ as a cloud service provider. This provider defines how Synappx manages the users and calendar within the organisation. [View Image - Microsoft 365] [View Image - Google Workspace]

Here’s how:

Select the link to choose your provider. The Synappx service validates the domain with the provider.

  1. If validation fails, you will see an error message. Ensure you selected the correct provider. [View Image]
  2. When the domain is validated, you will receive another welcome email with instructions to log in to the Synappx Admin Portal. Select the link. [View Image]


Synappx Admin Portal

After selecting a provider (Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace), the administrator will receive a second email with a link to the Synappx Admin Portal.

The Synappx Admin Portal is a browser-based platform designed for administrators to manage key components (e.g., licenses, workplaces, users) of Synappx Meeting and Synappx Go. Admins log in with the organisation’s Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace account. It is recommended to use the latest version of Google Chrome™ or Microsoft Edge.

After the admin selects a cloud service provider in the first Synappx email, a link to the Admin Portal will arrive in a second Synappx welcome email.

Select the link and log in with your Microsoft 365 credentials. At initial login, accept the permission request to allow Synappx to access your Microsoft services on behalf of your organisation. [View Image]

Before logging in to the Admin Portal, follow the steps described in the second welcome email to allow Synappx to communicate with your Google Workspace instance. This includes registering the Client ID and Application Programming Interface (API) scopes in the Google Workspace Admin Console. The steps from the email are in the procedure below. 

1. Select Google Workspace as your cloud service provider in the initial welcome email.

2. Upon receiving the second welcome email, follow the instructions to set up your Google Workspace Admin Console to communicate with Synappx.

     a. In any web browser, go to

     b. Select Security[View Image]

     c. On the Security page, select API Permissions. [View Image]

     d. Select Manage Domain Wide Delegation. [View Image]

     e. Select Add New[View Image]

     f. In the Client Name field, enter Sharp’s ID number: 115315787895184648103.

     g. Paste the Synappx API Scopes in to the One or More API Scopes field. Then select Authorise.[View Image]

Note: Be sure to copy and paste the URLs below. They require comma separation as shown. It may take up to 30 minutes for changes to activate in the Google Workspace account.,,,,,,,,

     h. Open the second Synappx welcome email and select Log in to your account or go to to navigate to the Admin Portal