
Synappx Go is a mobile app that connects to Sharp MFPs for fast scanning, print release, printing cloud files, copying documents, sharing files to Sharp displays, and checking in to workspaces. For more details, go to Synappx Go

Synappx Go is available from the Apple® App Store and Google® Play store. Go to the Download Synappx Go section for more details.

  • iOS versions: 14 to 15
  • Android™ versions: 11 to 12

  • Apple® iPhones® with NFC support and iOS 12 or later: 7/7+, 8/8+, X, XR, XS, XS Max, iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, and iPhone SE (Second Generation - 2020)
  • Android™ versions: 8.0 to 11.0, NFC support

When your administrator assigns you a license, you will receive an email notifying you that you have a Synappx Go license. This email includes information on how to download the mobile app.

Enter your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace username (email address) and password. Your credentials are validated with your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace system. You do not need to log in to the app again unless you change your credentials or do not use the app for 30 days.

Ensure you are logging in using your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace username and password. If you still cannot log in, contact your administrator to confirm you have an active license.

Synappx Go enables quick scanning, printing, and copying on Sharp MFPs, sharing files on Sharp displays, and workspace check in. Synappx Meeting can help you quickly start your meetings by automatically connecting key technologies. To use Synappx Go, you need to be a licensed Synappx Go user (assigned by your administrator). Synappx Meeting is licensed on a workspace basis. You can use the Synappx Meeting mobile app without a user license.

Most new smart phones are equipped with NFC (near field communication). Synappx Go uses the NFC “read” feature. By tapping the NFC tag with your mobile device, the service reads the tag and identifies the equipment or workspace location.

Make a copy or release your print job by tapping the NFC tag. You can also scan your document to yourself, your distribution list(s) or your cloud storage from the app. No contact with the MFP front panel is necessary.

For sharing cloud files to Sharp displays, select files from your Synappx Go mobile app. Then tap the NFC tag to download the files to the display PC for viewing, editing, and collaborating.

To check in to a workspace, tap the NFC tag. Your location information is identified.

With Apple iPhones, NFC generally does not work when the phone is in low power mode. Charge the phone and NFC reading should operate normally.


You must sign in to the app with your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace credentials to use the Scan to Me, copy and print release features. Scan to Email Distribution and Scan to or Print from Cloud Storage setup is optional. Sharing to a display requires configuration of at least one cloud storage service.

Synappx Go can be configured to connect with the following cloud storage services for Share to Display, Scan to Cloud Storage and Print Cloud Files features:

  • Microsoft® OneDrive® for Business
  • Microsoft OneDrive®
  • Microsoft SharePoint®
  • Microsoft Teams (Microsoft 365 users)
  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive™
  • Box
  • Apple iCloud® (Share to Display and Print Cloud Files for iOS users)

Synappx Go does not know or save your cloud storage site passwords. The software validates your credentials with the cloud storage vendor, and we receive a token to access your content only on the Synappx Go app until there is 30 days of app inactivity (when you need to log in again) or if your credentials change (e.g., password change, account cancelled).

You can remove your cloud storage at any time on the Cloud Storage Settings page. Tap and hold the cloud storage account you want to remove and you will be prompted to confirm you want to delete this account. Access to that account will be removed.

Kloudless is a 3rd party software provider that facilitates the authorisation and connection to cloud storage services. Your credentials are validated with the cloud storage vendors via secure connections, and Synappx Go receives and stores a secure token, so you do not have to frequently log in (unless you change the password). Kloudless cannot view your passwords and does not store any of your files. See the Synappx Security White Paper for more details.

No, Synappx Go can only access files, download files for viewing and editing, and upload files (when changes are made after downloading or scanning). Google Workspace and OneDrive for Business users can open files in the display PC browser for editing. There is no delete file function in the Synappx Go application.

The permissions required vary by cloud storage vendor. Your acceptance is required to enable Synappx Go to access your files and folders for cloud storage sites you choose to configure. These permissions enable you to scan to cloud storage sites, print cloud files, and share files to displays. Synappx Go does not have any feature to delete your files or folders. See the Synappx Security White Paper for more details.

To use the Scan to Email Distribution Lists feature, you need to set up a list of email recipients who will receive scanned files. To save time, you can access existing email addresses from your mobile contact list. The Synappx Go system does not use your email contacts for any other purpose. If you prefer not to provide contact access, you can manually type in email addresses to create an email distribution list.

No. After sign-in, you can skip the setup and still be able to use the Scan to Me, copy, check in, and print release features. However, Scan to Email Distribution Lists, Scan to Cloud Storage, Print Cloud Files, and Share to Display can only be used with configuration, which can be done at any time.

Scan to Me (via email), Scan to Email Distribution Lists (maximum of three), and Scan to Cloud Storage (maximum of three preset and one selection at scan time) are supported.

You can add email addresses manually or search for names from your mobile contact list. See directions here.

You can add up to 10 email addresses.

Check to see if you allowed access to your mobile contact list. If you deny access to contacts, you can allow access at any time from the app settings.

There are no print-related mobile settings you need to define, but you do need a print driver on your computer configured (by you or your administrator) to send files to the Synappx Go MFP agent (print release) server.

Your administrator may have configured a print driver that points to the Synappx Go MFP agent (print release) server. If you need to set it up yourself, see instructions here. You will need the IP address of the Synappx Go MFP agent PC/server to complete the driver configuration.

This setup preference is optional. Google files can be shared to a display in two ways. You can select View Only (default) and the Google files will be downloaded as PDF files. Or select View and Edit to open the Google Drive files in a Google Chrome browser for direct viewing and editing (after login). You can also select Prompt Me if you want to choose at share time.

This setup preference is optional. OneDrive for Business files can be shared to display in two ways. You can select Download and Open (default) and the files will be downloaded for viewing and editing. Select Open in Browser to open the files in a Chrome browser for direct viewing and editing (after login). You can also select Prompt Me if you want to choose the share method at share time.

Scan, Print & Copy

Most new smart phones are equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication). Synappx Go uses the NFC "Read" feature so that by tapping your mobile device, the service reads the tag and identifies the equipment. For printing, copying, and scanning, you can copy or execute your print job with a simple NFC tap. No contact with the MFP front panel is necessary. NFC tags also support sharing files to displays and checking-in to locations.

See the MFP Support Summary for a list of supported Sharp models. Your administrator needs to set up each MFP by associating it with an NFC tag (either embedded or separately provided by Sharp). Contact your administrator to confirm Synappx Go configured models.

See the NFC support table for details. Background operation means you do not have to select the Synappx Go app to scan, print or copy; just tap the NFC tag with your phone and the app opens. Foreground operation requires you to select the Synappx Go app before tapping a tag.

Supported MFPs must be configured in advance by your administrator. After setup, you can use any configured device throughout your office. Please check with your administrator to confirm the Sharp models that are set up.

Yes, both the automatic feeder and glass (platen) are supported for scanning or copying. Single page scanning or copying can be done from the glass (platen).

No, you do not need to touch the MFP front panel screen for normal Synappx Go operations. However, the MFP must display the normal home screen when using Synappx Go. lf there are issues with paper feeding during print, copy, or scan, that may require you to clear the issue on the MFP.

Emails with scan attachments must be less than 30 MB. Some companies have limits on the size of files allowed via email. A general guideline is to scan files no larger than 10 MB.

Try selecting Scan or Copy again. If that does not work, ensure the MFP home screen is displayed. If the front panel is not showing the home screen, press the Home button and try again. If scanning or copying still does not work, contact your administrator to check the status of the Synappx Go MFP agent.

Ensure you have a print driver configured for Synappx Go. Check with your IT administrator to obtain the correct driver or use instructions here to set up the print driver. Then, print like you normally would.

There is no limit to print jobs on the server. However, unreleased jobs will be deleted 24 hours after sending.

The print jobs are held for 24 hours before they are automatically deleted. You can resend the files by printing them again.

There are file type limitations on Synappx Go. Check the file type restrictions of the core printer driver that was configured for use with Synappx Go print release for further file type inquiries. Print driver setup instructions are located here .

Yes, you can set your default to select individual print files from the app at print time during the initial Synappx Go setup or at any time in the Scan and Print settings.

Tap Print again. If nothing happens, ensure the MFP home screen is showing. If the front panel is not displaying the home screen, press the Home button and try again. If this does not work, contact your administrator to check the status of the Synappx Go MFP agent.

iOS users can print local iPhone files. Files opened in select mobile apps (e.g. email, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams) can also be printed or shared to displays. For more information, go to Print Files from Email and Mobile Applications. Download the Sharpdesk® Mobile app for iOS or Android for additional mobile printing and scanning features.

The following file types can be printed to Sharp MFPs using Print Cloud Files:










*File format support varies. Some models may require additional expansion kits. See the list of supported models. Contact your Sharp reseller for more information.

That message means that the MFP either needs to have the Direct Office Print option installed by an IT administrator or that the model does not support Direct Office Print. See the list of supported models here. Contact your Sharp reseller for more information.

That message means that the MFP needs to have the Postscript Expansion option installed by an IT administrator. See the list of supported models here. Contact your Sharp reseller for more information.

The following file types can be selected from Google Drive for printing. They will be converted to PDF automatically for printing.

  • Google Docs™
  • Google Slides™
  • Google Sheets™
  • Google Drawing
  • Google Jamboard

MFPs must have the Adobe® PostScript 3 Expansion Kit as standard or installed. Go to MFP Support for more information.

Select 2-sided (Tablet) from the Scan Settings page before starting the scan.

The A4 MFP models require a hard disk to be installed to generate a searchable PDF from Synappx Go. The hard disk is standard on some A4 models but is an option on others. Contact your administrator to ensure that hard disk option in installed. Go to MFP Support for more information.

Synappx Go will complete a copy job using the features available on the MFP. If the copy did not use that feature, it is likely because it is not available on that MFP.

You can print email attachments and Microsoft Office and Teams files from the app.

Many Sharp A3 models already include the MX-AMX2L Applications Communications Module (ACM) required to use Synappx Go copy feature. Other models require separate installation of the MX-AMX2L ACL to make copies with Synappx Go. Some Sharp A4 models require the installation of an app to support Synappx Go mobile copy. Go to MFP Support for more information and contact your administrator to check device installations.

Share to Display

Synappx Go can work with any Sharp AQUOS BOARD or Sharp display that is driven by a Windows PC with Microsoft Office applications installed. These displays need the Synappx Go agent installed with an NFC tag configured. Google Workspace users can choose to download Google files as PDFs for view only or open those Google files in a display browser. Check with your system administrator to find out which displays are Synappx Go-ready.

If your administrator has configured the Synappx Go-enabled displays to support automatic input switching, you simply need to tap the NFC tag and the input will automatically switch to the correct Go input. If the PC is logged in, you can immediately share to the display. If the display PC is not already logged in, you’ll see a mobile message requesting you to enter your normal network login credentials and then you are ready to share files to the display. Check with your administrator about auto-input switching.

There are four ways to find the file(s) you want to share on the Sharp display:

  1. Select Share on the app home page. Then:
    • Find file(s) in the Recently Modified list OR
    • Type file name in the search box at the top of the Share screen OR
    • Select the folder icon at the top of the Share screen and browse to find the file(s) OR
    • Select a mobile email attachment or file from the Microsoft Office or Mobile Teams app.
  2. Select Share. Tap the display NFC tag to display the file(s).

Files from your configured cloud storage sites from the last 30 days will appear. However, you will only see modified files from the time you first log in except for Teams which will retrieve files you modified within the last 30 days. You can find older files via search and browse.

There are two ways to share to display. The default is downloading the files to the display PC for viewing and editing. Synappx Go Share supports Plain Text files, Microsoft® Office files (Word®, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote), PDF, image files (JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG), and video files (MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV). You must have applications associated with these file types installed on the display PC to open the files.

For Microsoft 365 OneDrive for Business users, there is an option to open OneDrive files in a Chrome browser.

For Google Workspace users, there is an option to open Google Drive files in a Chrome browser. See details of supported Google Workspace user file formats here.

The maximum file size for download is 100 MB. iCloud, local iOS, and Google native files have a of 30 MB maximum file size.

If a file type is highlighted gray, then it is not presently supported by Synappx Go and cannot be downloaded to the display PC for viewing or editing.

By default, all cloud storage sites you configured are enabled. However, you can select the filter icon to filter files within the recently modified list, search results, and folder browsing by unselecting cloud storage sites.

Yes, a maximum of 300 files can be retrieved for selection to share.

It depends on the features supported by the cloud storage service. Some services support only search by file name while others have full text support.

Generally, you can download up to 10 files in a single Share request. The files will automatically download one at a time. However, when selecting a mobile email attachment or a file from Microsoft Office or Teams, you can select one file at a time for downloading.

When finished editing, save the file and it will save back to the original cloud storage folder as either a new version of the same file name or with the file name appended (e.g. Filename (1)). The result depends on the cloud storage capabilities.

If you do not wish to save the edits, close the file without saving the changes and it will be removed from the temporary storage folder on the display PC.

Note: Files that are downloaded from your mobile email, Microsoft Office, or Microsoft Teams apps can only be viewed on the display. Changes cannot be saved back to the original source.

Downloaded files are removed from the display PC if the application is closed after use. Select Save when the file is open to save the file back to the cloud storage folder or just close the application (closing without saving does not save changes). After closing the application, the files are automatically deleted from the display PC temporary folder.

Currently, there is no option to save the downloaded and edited file with a new file name in the original cloud repository. You can choose to save the file with a new name locally, but then it will not be removed from the display PC location when the application is closed.

Yes, up to five Synappx Go users can connect to the same display PC and download files from their respective cloud sites for simultaneous collaboration (e.g., copying content from one file to another).

iCloud and local iOS files are supported for view only.

Files opened from external mobile apps for sharing to display are for view only.

Yes, you can select a website URL (http or https) on your mobile device and, open it on a Sharp display using Synappx Go.

Microsoft Office files (.pptx, .xlsx, .docx) that have been downloaded to the display PC using the Synappx Go Share feature can be selected for remote operation from your mobile.

You can remotely perform a variety of file operations from your mobile device, including navigating pages, zooming, scrolling, maximising and minimising, saving, closing, and more. For more information, go to Remote File Operation.

The following Google file types can be downloaded from Google Drive for sharing. They will be converted to PDF automatically. These files are available for view only; they cannot be edited.

  • Google Docs™
  • Google Slides™
  • Google Sheets™
  • Google Drawing
  • Google Jamboard

Note: The display PC requires an app capable of opening Adobe® PDF files For more information, see the System Requirements.

It depends on your Share to Display setup preference. The default is View Only, which downloads the Google file as a view-only PDF. If you selected the View and Edit preference or Prompt Me, you can open the files in a Chrome Incognito browser for directly viewing and editing back to Google Drive.

The following file types in Google Drive can be opened and edited: Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Jamboard, Google Drawing and TXT (if opened in Google Docs). The following file types can also be opened in the browser but are not editable: PDF, BMP, PNG, JPG, TIF, GIF, MOV, MP4, AVI, WM.

Yes, if the first user who logged into the display PC still has the Chrome Incognito browser open, other Synappx Go users can select the files and select Share. They do not need to log in to the display browser. The files other users selected will be temporarily shared with the first user and will be opened in tabs in the Chrome Incognito browser for viewing or editing. The temporary share is removed when the first user closes the browser. Note: Read-only files cannot be shared to display by other users on the browser.

Note: Read-only files cannot be shared by other users on the browser.

Yes, you have an option to open Office and other select files from the Chrome browser on the display. In your Share to Display preferences, select either Open in Browser or Prompt Me at share time. You will be prompted to log in. Then you can open and edit the files in the browser.

Check In

There are two ways to check in. Tap the check-in tag (e.g. outside a meeting room or huddle space) or use the Synappx Go Scan, Print, and Share NFC tags to check in to associated workspaces.